Butter or Olive Oil?

Butter or Olive Oil?

Fats (butter, tail oil, inner oil) is more than the amount of saturated fats. Unsaturated fats (olive oil, sunflower oil) are mostly used in oils.

Another point is that unsaturated fats have different structure and properties. For example, unsaturated fats in olive oil are much more useful than sunflower and other vegetable oils.

Likewise unsaturated fats in fish oil. Omega-3 oils are nutrients that we need to gain as a medicine for our health.

Let's answer the question in the title ... Butter, olive oil and oils you can trust. It would be wrong to make a choice between the two, to leave one completely and hug the other. Weight should be given to olive oil, but the butter should not be abandoned.

30 percent of the daily calorie needs to be gained from oils, 20 percent quota to olive oil, 10 percent quota to butter should be separated.

In summary, both healthy and reliable fats, butter - provided that the quantity is not exaggerated - is no worse than olive oil.

Especially you can safely consume village butter. The proportion that is important and the amount of consumption. Keep the ratio 2/3 of olive oil and 1/3 of butter. When calculating the amount of your account in a spoon of fat 120-130 calories do not forget.

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